Tuesday, February 28, 2012


Detonator (1993) – For a made-for-TV movie, it’s got a great cast (although Brosnan’s accent is quite dodgy), and while the sophomoric script cuts some serious corners, it’s still a fairly entertaining action movie. 6

Friday, February 24, 2012


Trollhunter (2010) – It has a couple of neat troll sequences and it does a fair job incorporating bits of mythology, but it’s just another predictable entry in the worn-out, so-serious found footage genre, complete with plenty of farting around in the woods and countryside and little of actual interest. 5

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Maniac

The Maniac (1963) – It sets up an interesting conundrum, although the American’s motivations are pretty thin; it has no real protagonist, but it generates a nice little bit of tension at the end. 6

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Snorkel

The Snorkel (1958) – It’s not a bad concept, but the script is pretty feeble: the characters are one-dimensional, you can’t actually do that with a snorkel, the dog is the best detective of the bunch, and the criminal makes unforgivably stupid decisions throughout. 5

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

The Adjustment Bureau

The Adjustment Bureau (2011) – It’s a neat concept (although the film seems reluctant to embrace its philosophical ramifications) and the leads have good chemistry (although her willingness to stay with him strains credulity at times); while the ending is a little too convenient and cute, it is, on the whole, an engaging film. 6

Friday, February 10, 2012

Green for Danger

Green for Danger (1946) – Alastair Sim is delightful in this whodunit that retains its mystery throughout, even if it never generates any real suspense; it has a good mix of characters but doesn’t do so well with all their motives. 6

Wednesday, February 8, 2012


Chaplin (1992) – Charlie Chaplin was such a complex figure and led such an interesting life – Robert Downey, Jr. does an excellent job in the role, but the film is terribly disjointed – the running time, long as it is, just can’t do the subject matter justice. 6

Friday, February 3, 2012

Real Steel

Real Steel (2011) – The robots look really good, and there’s some neat fighting action (although their human weaknesses are pretty stupid); however, the movie is severely hampered by the exceedingly lazy and predictable story and the extra helpings of cheese and sappiness. 5