Wednesday, October 31, 2012


Fearless (1993) – The film isn’t quite as profound as it seems to think it is, but there are some very good performances here, and the crash scenes are done exceptionally well; given the story arc, Bridges’ character doesn’t feel properly handled, as he is by turns a magical savior and a man with real problems, with no real balance ever struck. 6

Friday, October 26, 2012


Ricochet (1991) – Lithgow does a good job as the villain and Denzel (who can’t seem to keep his clothes on here) is always watchable, but the plot has too much implausibility, silliness, and other dumb stuff of a more general nature going on to be taken seriously (you’re telling me that Denzel isn’t going to jail after this – that his reputation isn’t still in shambles?). 5

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

It Happened Here

It Happened Here (1965) – The movie is carried by the strong premise and the directors’ attention to setting and detail, although it spends quite a bit of time spinning its wheels hashing out the evils and insidious wiles of collaboration; it also gives a surprising amount of unopposed voice to anti-Jewish sentiment. 6

Saturday, October 20, 2012


Strings (2004) – Excellent puppetry and striking visuals highlight this film, which is absorbing even though it has a predictable plot and pedestrian pacing (the lack of moving mouths and changing facial expressions hurts); also of note is the film’s unique world, in which the puppets acknowledge themselves to be puppets; this concept is extremely interesting, even if it breaks down under analysis (why don’t they climb their strings all the time?). 6

Monday, October 15, 2012

Iron Sky

Iron Sky (2012) – It’s certainly silly – in fact, it tries unsuccessfully to get away with some pretty dumb stuff – but while the premise seems to have potential, the film is not particularly involving, subtle, or funny. 5

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Judge Dredd

Judge Dredd (1995) – Yes, there’s the unfaithfulness to the source material and the helmet removal and all that, and it’s definitely a missed opportunity (hello, Rob Schneider), but on its own, it’s a perfectly serviceable action movie with a fine visual style (and Stallone certainly has the half a face for the role). 6