Friday, March 29, 2013

Mr. 3000

Mr. 3000 (2004) – It’s nothing great (or subtle), but it is both entertaining and satisfying; Bernie Mac is strong and the film does a good job with the romance. 6

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Indie Game: The Movie

Indie Game: The Movie (2012) – This is a nice looking little film, and it’s certainly interesting, but it would have been more interesting if it had provided some objectivity, context, and better insight into the development process, not to mention quite a bit less of the developers bitching and feeling sorry for themselves; no, it didn’t make me pick up any of those games. 6

Friday, March 22, 2013

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2

Batman: The Dark Knight Returns, Part 2 (2013) – The direction and presentation are passable, but the fight scenes that drive the film are well done, and even a passable treatment of this classic material is well worth seeing; boy, those cops are terrible shots – no wonder crime is so bad in Gotham. 7

Wednesday, March 20, 2013


Oblivion (1994) – It’s an overacted cheeseball, sure, but with an all-star B-movie cast and a script from Peter David that knows exactly what it has to work with, it’s a reasonably good time nonetheless. 6

Saturday, March 16, 2013


Skyfall (2012) – The action is satisfactory, but the film stands out in that does an impressive job addressing both its aging characters and its aging franchise (and Bardem is one of the better Bond villains in quite a while); Skyfall is overlong, the dialogue isn’t always great, and everything moves along rather tidily, but even so, this is the best Bond since GoldenEye. 7

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Swamp Thing

Swamp Thing (1982) – The dialogue is bad, maybe even on purpose, and everything else – the script, the action, the editing, the creature(s) – is B-movie cheese all the way; and yet it’s not entertainingly bad, as Craven bores with a lack of suspense, atmosphere, and pacing; in short, the film doesn’t have much going for it beyond Barbeau’s bouncing bosoms and the scene-stealing Reggie Batts (in his only film appearance). 4