Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Big Hero 6

Big Hero 6 (2014) – As great as the visuals are, this film is flagrantly and shamelessly derivative in nearly every way, which makes it quite predictable, and while the setup is cool, the weak script isn’t particularly interested in either its themes or its opportunities, and the end result is a near-total failure to do anything interesting. 5

Friday, June 26, 2015

John Wick

John Wick (2014) – It has some style and the action scenes are well presented, but the catalyst of the “plot” is only the first of this clichéd and tiresome film’s many eye-roll-inducing moments, which include but are not limited to some horrendous dialogue and the very feeble script. 4

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

A Night to Remember

A Night to Remember (1958) – The effects aren’t the greatest, but this is a powerful film, one that effectively paints a comprehensive and compelling scene in broad strokes, covering all classes, the full breadth of the tragedy, and the agony of slow death. 7

Friday, June 19, 2015

The Tale of The Princess Kaguya

The Tale of the Princess Kaguya (2013) – With its handling of class and custom, it’s very Japanese, and the rough art style—with obvious watercolors, pencils, and more—makes for a lovely film; however, in spite of how thoughtfully it engages its parent–child theme, it’s just not that involving, and low key as it is, the film is just too long—but it’s nevertheless a pleasing experience. 6

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Spirited Away

Spirited Away (2001) – Even though the integrated 3D animation hasn’t aged all that well, this is still a gorgeous film—here, Miyazaki creates a complex, extremely imaginative world, and he does an excellent job of making his protagonist feel true-to-life (although the characterizations of the rest of the cast are on the weak side), but while the film is strong on themes and symbolism, it’s short on overarching narrative and, perhaps, reasons to be. 7 

Friday, June 12, 2015

Trigun: Badlands Rumble

Trigun: Badlands Rumble (2010) – It’s got better animation than the series, although the extensive use of 3D frequently makes it feel like an extended video game cutscene (and the world is now populated by the cast of Final Fight), but otherwise, it’s really just more of the same—and this is an inconsequential story, one that doesn’t add anything to the characters or to the world. 5

Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Princess Mononoke

Princess Mononoke (1997) – It’s a beautiful film, and the animation is absolutely phenomenal—this may be Miyazaki’s most visually impressive work of all; it’s slow, though, and meandering, and dreamlike at times, and it feels like it’s three hours long (the environmental theme is heavy but not particularly complex), but with an engrossing setup and several amazing moments, it’s completely worthwhile, if mostly just for the spectacle. 7

Friday, June 5, 2015

The Negotiator

The Negotiator (1998) – Bolstered by all the good performances, it’s decently engaging and not too predictable, although it gets overly Hollywood (especially toward the end); hard to imagine Sam Jackson’s not going to jail at the end of this one in any case. 6

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

TV: Trigun

Trigun (1998) – It explores some interesting themes—eventually—and I appreciate the peace, no-killing, and Christian elements, but while the series has some decent scripts, its pacing and development is a problem, its cornball tone continually undermines its drama without adding much thats actually funny, and it wraps up somewhat underwhelmingly. 6