Friday, January 15, 2010

The Seventh Sign

 The Seventh Sign (1988) – A laughably pretentious, ill conceived, badly written “Christian” thriller, it’s another one of those films that makes God look like a real asshole; how nice that helpful heathen Demi Moore is there to bail out wrathful creepy helpless white Jesus. 1


  1. One sentence, no matter how far I stretch it, cannot fully convey how horrendously God-awful The Seventh Sign is, nor how embarrassingly clueless its makers were. How wonderful that a sinner came to die for Jesus – that’s what the Bible says, right? I don’t even know how you get this far off the mark, but I guess that’s what happens when you make no attempt whatsoever to play by the rules of your chosen mythos. “What kind of God are you?” Demi Moore’s character demands incredulously. Yeah, that pretty much sums it up. John Heard’s character is the only one who’s anywhere close, and he’s only in one scene. And for that matter, why is it always the Catholics in these end-of-the-world movies? Never mind that the Jews and agnostics are trying to help “Jesus” while the Christians (Catholics) stand around oblivious - hasn’t anybody told Hollywood about the Reformation? Furthermore, this film demonstrates precious little awareness of the Catholic understanding of apocalyptic literature, but then again that’s the least of its problems.

  2. Your displeasure with The Seventh Sign has given me a great deal of pleasure. Your email you sent out about how angry you were with the movie had Lara and me both on the floor. The amount of energy you put into critiquing it is definitely more than it deserves, but a movie this wrong-headed absolutely demands correction, doesn't it?

  3. Or exorcism. Demons OUT! Touch!
