Tuesday, September 11, 2012


Prometheus (2012) – There seems to be great potential here, and there are plenty of cosmic ideas and mysterious happenings, but there’s not much in the way of substance, resolution, compelling storytelling, or horror sensibilities; in all, it feels like uninspired setup for a sequel (not Alien) tasked with finally getting around to the real issues. 5

1 comment:

  1. This was interesting. I thought the opening sequence and the end one were good book ends. The main character Dr. Shaw was good, as was Idris Elba's character. A lot left unanswered otherwise. David's motivation for turning on the humans was not explained, nor Theron's motivation. Weyland - it looked like they had a young actor with makeup to look old - why? They should have just gotten an older actor (Donald Sutherland comes to mind). He looked 108 and is not believable as her father.
