Thursday, June 28, 2012

Children of Men

Children of Men (2006) – This is an extremely well-crafted film with rich background detail and a fully realized future; add in some great long shots, a compelling chase, and violence that feels real, and the hard-to-swallow plot points go down a lot easier. 7


  1. Ooo...this is a good one. This to me is an example of a perfectly executed movie. The scene where Clive Owen is going into a hospital amidst gunfight was immersive and felt like a video game with the camera following him and no edits for over a minute.

  2. Yeah, I'm still waiting for Cuaron's next big thing.

  3. I remember thinking this movie was the cat's pajamas.

  4. I'm glad I gave it another chance. The first time I saw it was on a plane, and I found it completely unimpressive, but I didn't realize until later how severely they'd butchered it with editing.

  5. I totally agree with Wish. Is Wish's initials SMDS? Just wondering.
