Wednesday, June 13, 2012

The Grey

The Grey (2012) – This bleak, manly film has a pretty well-developed supporting cast for this sort of thing, but even so it’s almost a one-man Liam Neeson show, with all that entails; what sets this film apart is the reflective way in which it handles the constant presence of death, which gives it an engrossing amount of emotional weight. 7

1 comment:

  1. I finally saw this one. It was emotionally impactful - wasn't the straight action I expected - but that's good. Reminded me of Spike Lee's "25th Hour" and "Crouching Tiger" in that they are emotive yet solemn. Definitely some anti-Christian sentiments. This DVD had the first deleted scene that I think should have been in the movie (it involved a polar bear).
