Tuesday, May 14, 2013

Star Trek

Star Trek (2009) – It’s got a decent cast and some good moments (Chris Hemsworth’s scenes are the best of the film), but it’s also got as many plot holes, story problems, and incidences of stupidity (see comments) as it does lens flares; the end product is entertaining enough, but in a mindless “cool” action way, not an intelligent Star Trek way; never mind the old Trek films; in many ways, even Galaxy Quest is a better Star Trek film than this. 4

1 comment:

    -How does Kirk get promoted directly from cadet to captain? When you finish at Starfleet Academy, do you pick your rank out of a hat? Can you get a field promotion out of a cereal box?
    -Why didn’t Nero just warn Romulus about the danger in the first place?
    -Why didn’t the Enterprise shoot the drill? (And the difference between the drill and a phaser is what, exactly?)
    -In what kind of organization do you eject unruly crewmembers from the ship rather than confining them to quarters or putting them in the brig?
    -How does Kirk get ejected out of a ship at warp and still land on a planet that must be in the same solar system as Vulcan?
    -And how convenient that he lands right next to Real Spock’s cave!
    -Supernovas don’t actually work like that.
    -Why are so many Starfleet officers so bumbling and incompetent? Why are so many of the secondary core characters so jokey?
    -When Kirk and Sulu skydived down to the drill with that brain-damaged guy, why couldn't they take phasers?
    -Spock. That is all.
